
Short story


Posted on 2024-04-12 12:45:44

In orang color I was sitting on my wooden chair by the window and I was staring at the white seeds suspended in the air Sometimes it would nip from the window seam and make my skin body tingling. Orange; Mrs. Maral's cat was my lonely guest for several hours every day and we would sit next to the window and watch the bustlle of my people in the last days of the year. And we were waiting, expecting things that we never had! He puts his head under my hands so that I can caress him. Well, when I was looking at him, I noticed the similarity of his life with mine. Sometimes people reach the end of selfishness and they take any living thing they want into their captivity . They fight only to get it and after they get it ... they go after serch their new work. That day, as usual on the last day of the year, Mrs Maral، give me his orang cat and repeated her repeated sentences again and again... - Something has happened to me that I must go. he destroys the house and breaks my antiques. It fills the corner of the house with urine! After her repeated reasons, I escort her away with a listless face and , she is give me her cat. i put her next to the window and brought her a bowl of hot milk. He showed me his eyes full of hatred. I smiled at him and caressed him. My finger moved on the her bones . The milk warmed up his tension, but nothing warmed me except the old and gray sweater I had . In the last hours of the day, when the colored rings and strings were hung in the city, the orange cat and I were waiting without a New Year's gift or even a Christmas tree. I sat on my rocking chair and put her on my legs and started knitting the last rows of my wife's blue gloves. Sometimes I wondered what his voice was like. What color were his eyes؟ The only thing that occupied my mind was the smell of alcohol his mouth and his gambler's hands! I was lost in my thoughts when suddenly a few drops of tears fell on the ears of the orange . He raised his head and scratched his ear, then he slept on my leg again. At that moment, suddenly the sound of someone punching the door shook my heart. Naranji got scared and stood in a corner and spiked his hair out of fear. It was definitely not my wife, because she never came to her dormitory at this time of the day to sleep and her always frozen fists were not strong enough to knock on the door. I opened the door slowly. He was a postman. He said he knocked on the door softly several times and I didn't notice the sound. Then he gave me a letter and left. I immediately closed the door and opened the letter. It was from Mrs. Maral... My dear girl! I won't go back to my house without my own will and I will leave the city for a long time. You are a kind girl and I present you orange as a New Year's gift. Merry Christmas! Your friend Maral Martin I read the letter almost out loud and he stared at me like a person who understands everything. At first he stared at me and then he went to the back yard of the house with slow steps and lay down in a corner.Hate choked in my throut. Because, like an orange, I had tasted waiting and I was saddened by loneliness. An hour passed and I finished knitting the gloves. I put it on our two-seater table and looked at the empty corner of the house. Certainly, the empty space of a Christmas tree was felt, and some children, tall and short, who were forced to go to bed at night, waiting for gifts from Santa Claus. But apart from these pus walls of gray, there was no news of anything. It was a long time that I used to go to bed alone at night and sometimes I would wake up several times until the morning due to fear of being alone. I went to the orang and put a bowl of milk for him, but he didn't eat it. I brought him in, his legs could not move. I made him sleep next to me. That night, my wife did not come home, so I turned off the lights and then slept. The next morning, I woke up with the sound of the door being locked. There was no orange on the bed. I had a anxicty feeling. I left the room. My wife was wearing blue gloves. His eyes was red and threw shovel aside after seeing me and started talking. I couldn't hear his voice, I was following Orange with my eyes. I searched everywhere, but there was no trace of him. My wife came forward. He took my shoulders to listen to his words. The smell of alcohol his mouth made me sick. He shouted: Rose, listen to me... His voice hit me like a hammer. I hit his chest with my fist. He locked me in his hands. I haven't touched it in a long time. I asked: Where is the orange? He is my only New Year's gift. Haaa is definitely waiting for Mrs. Maral by the window. He kissed the gloves. Tears flowed from his eyes. He said in an unfamiliar voice: When he reached the home, the orange had fallen by the window. I didn't want to hear anything. He pointed to the garden with burning eyes and hanging lips. I quickly went to the garden. His milk container was left untouched, and a part of the garden had been shoveled And a piece of stone on it showed that I have become more lonely The End